专业项目 students at commencement




The Professional Studies major is everything you need in an academic program, 包装方便.

This bachelor degree completion option is available in online and on-ground formats that cover areas such as 管理研究, 组织沟通, 组织的领导, 信息技术 管理, 和行为研究.  This transfer credit friendly major allow students to maximize use of  credits earned from previous colleges / universities,  ACE accredited professional certifications, and credit for certain life work experiences.  


How is the Professional Studies major different from the other majors?

It is no different in academic rigor or quality.  The admission requirements are the same, 教员是一样的, and students earn the same bachelor’s degree.  The only difference is the format in which the courses are delivered.


What is different about the format?

The courses in the Professional Studies major are a mix of the classes you would find in our “regular” classrooms, 在线课程, and accelerated versions of courses.  This allows students to mix and match according to their interest, 时间表, 以及完成需求的时间表.


What is required to earn my degree?

获得学士学位, students must have completed 120 credits in the  专业(45学分), 核心(30学分), 和选修课(45学分).


Customize this major by choosing 2 or 3 subjects (the following subjects are offered fully online; for a complete list of additional subjects speak with an advisor).

  • 管理研究
  • 组织的领导
  • IT管理
  • 行为研究(心理学)
  • 组织沟通
  • Social 科学 (Social Work, Sociology)
  • 项目管理
  • 数据中心研究
  • 沟通研究
  • 公共管理
  • 专业的管理

Dual Degree Professional Studies + MPA

The following graduate courses may be taken by students accepted into the dual degree Professional Studies + MPA program during their senior year.  Students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor if they wish to pursue the dual degree.

  • MPA 500 Introduction to 公共管理 
  • MPA 505 Human Resource 管理 in Public Organization
  • MPA 506行政法
  • MPA 508 Statistics for Public Managers  

Dual Program Professional Studies + Advanced Certificate in Business Anaytics

The following graduate courses may be taken by students accepted into the dual program Professional Studies + Advanced Certificate in Business Analytics during their senior year.  Students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor if they wish to pursue the dual program.

  • 数据管理1
  • MSIS 545数据分析入门 & 薪酬数据
  • MSIS 637 Decision Support Systems
  • MSIS 645数据挖掘 & 预测分析



A bachelor’s degree begins with a firm foundation in the liberal arts and sciences. The core introduces students to essential ideas and skills that give students the capacity to synthesize and integrate methods and insights from a variety of intellectual disciplines. 转账信用友好.


Whereas the core fulfills specific requirements, electives are different. 学生选择参加这些课程.  Electives are meant to be fun and interesting and can be used to benefit the student however they wish. Students can choose additional courses in their major fields or choose to study different fields of personal interest that compliment their major.  



是的!  The multidisciplinary format of the Professional Studies major allows it to be more transfer credit friendly than most traditional majors at Marist.



  • 在线(4周和8周): Online courses are asynchronous in design which provides more flexibility for students.  Courses are hosted on a software platform (iLearn) that allows for ease of interaction with professors and classmates.
  • 地面(15周): Courses offered on the Poughkeepsie campus at varying times in the Monday – Friday calendar. 
  • 组合: Combine online and on-ground formats in the 4-, 8-, and 15-week calendars as needed for scheduling and access to specific courses.
  • 组计划: Courses meet one evening per week for 8 weeks and include a required online component.  Designed to allow students to complete 12 credits per semester to maintain full-time financial aid status.


The Professional Studies major is designed to provide bachelor’s degree-seeking adult students with the knowledge, 批判性思维, and leadership skills needed to take on complex responsibilities in a wide range of professional fields.



