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MS in Physician Assistant Studies

School of Science

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Your Physician Assistant Career Starts Here.

The heart of Marist College is our dedication to the service of others. 这种激情体现在医学助理研究硕士项目中. In it, 您将学习如何在各种环境中照顾病人,并由经验丰富的行业专业人士教授. 通过在最先进的设施接受培训并参加现实世界的临床轮转, you will have the tools and skills to embark on a successful career as a PA.

Watch the livestream below, or watch the show on Vimeo Livestream.


Watch the livestream below, or watch the show on Vimeo Livestream.




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Image of physician assistant students at commencement ceremony.

Prepare For Your PA Career

The Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program is a 24-month, full-time program designed to prepare students for clinical practice. 该项目包括一个12个月的教学阶段和一个12个月的临床阶段. In this format, students are prepared to treat patients:


  • In all environments: in-patient, out-patient, operating room, emergency room, and more
  • At all life stages: from newborn to end-of-life
  • With technical skills: from suturing to counseling
  • In innovative ways, like at our Point of Care Ultrasound Clinical Elective Rotation
  • Globally: the program emphasizes global health practices and caring for the underserved, from Indian Health Services to local clinics

Cutting-Edge Physician Assistant Facilities

bet亚洲365欢迎投注的PA学生可以接触到一些最先进的技术,这些技术可用于执业医师助理. 科学和联合健康大楼为我们的PA学生提供了许多设施, including a gross anatomy laboratory, a 10-bed skills laboratory, 还有一间技术先进的临床模拟套房配有两间创伤室和五间传统检查室. 临床模拟套件结合了标准化患者和高科技人体模型的使用, including Sim Man 3G and "Harvey," the cardiopulmonary patient simulator.



Benefits of the Marist Physician Assistant Program

Image of 31 percent icon.

Job Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 医师助理的职业前景预计将在未来十年增长31%.

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Overall PANCE Pass Rate

Every Marist PA student passes the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE),首次通过率为97%.

Median PA Salary

The median annual salary for PAs is $115,390, which is higher than the average for all healthcare clinicians.

Image of a building icon denoting clinical site locations.

Hospital Clinical Sites


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Faculty & Student Achievements

Dedicated faculty in the PA Program are determined to help you succeed. 学院帮助过去的学生获得了国家卫生服务队的奖学金, Area Health Education Centers, the Air Force, among others.

Image of a snowflake denoting frozen tuition.

Frozen Tuition

在整个课程期间,您的学费将保持不变. The College also offers financial aid for the program.

A Curriculum Designed For Your Future

The Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies program is a 24-month, 90-credit, 全日制课程旨在为学生准备医师助理国家认证考试(PANCE)和成功的医师助理职业生涯. The program consists of two 12-month phases: didactic and clinical.

Didactic Phase

During the didactic phase, students learn about healthcare across the lifespan in a variety of settings. 课程从应用基础科学开始,通过临床医学的核心领域发展. In addition, the ethical responsibilities of the profession, behavioral aspects of health, roles and responsibilities of the physician assistant, and aspects of public health are covered.

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Clinical Phase

临床学年包括七个为期五周的核心轮转,以及两个专注于学生特定兴趣的选修课程. 每次临床轮转后,学生们回到校园参加轮转特定的模拟,并参加大查房报告. 该计划的一个显著优势是它得到了地区医疗保健社区的巨大支持, with our students being hosted at a wide variety of clinical sites.

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A Day in the Life of a Marist PA Student

跟随玛丽斯特大学PA学生卡莉·玛丽,她将引导你完成她令人兴奋的课程, state-of-the-art facilities, studying, and more!


Sharon Fan

MS in Physician Assistant Studies

Read Sharon's Story >

After coming here for the interview, I knew this was where I wanted to go. 设施很漂亮,教职员工的热情也很有感染力. 我们的项目很幸运,有一个大体解剖实验室,在那里我们和10个捐赠者一起研究.

Caitlin Albano

MS in Physician Assistant Studies

Read Caitlin's Story >

我做过的最好的决定之一就是决定攻读医师助理的硕士学位. My advice is if you find yourself struggling, ask for help. Never be ashamed to utilize the resources around you. 每个参与私人助理项目的教授都在那里,因为他们关心这个职业,他们每个人都有一套独特的技能和专业知识可以分享.

Jenna Sanfilippo

MS in Physician Assistant Studies

Read Jenna's Story

As cliché as it may sound, 当我踏上校园的那一刻,我就知道玛丽斯特是一个完美的学术环境,适合像我这样的学生茁壮成长. 教职员工干劲十足,充满激情,他们创建了一个培养高素质医师助理的项目.

Monica Mimoso

MS in Physician Assistant Studies

Read Monica's Story >

我真的很喜欢急诊医学,因为它教会了我们一些实践技能,我至今仍在使用这些技能. 我将在那堂课上学到的许多东西运用到工作中的关键时刻. 我也很喜欢临床医学II,我们专注于心脏病学,这是我今天实践领域的一部分.

Ashley Franko

MS in Physician Assistant Studies

Read Ashley's Story >


Sara Christian

MS in Physician Assistant Studies

Read Sara's Story >

*医师助理教育认证审查委员会. (ARC-PA) has granted Accreditation-Continued status to the Marist College Physician Assistant Program sponsored by Marist College. 持续认证是指当前认证的项目符合ARC-PA标准时授予的认证状态. 

认证一直有效,直到项目关闭或退出认证过程,或者直到认证因未能遵守标准而被撤销. ARC-PA对该项目进行下一次验证审查的大约日期将是 March 2030. 审查日期取决于是否继续遵守认证标准和ARC-PA政策. 

The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website at

Updated: 10/1/2020

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